Being one of the world's wealthiest individuals and running a variety of enterprises on a daily basis, as well as getting hundreds of calls, necessitates having one of the most powerful cellphones available.

Bill Gates, Microsoft's co-founder, has disclosed the phone he presently uses, and many people will be astonished to learn which one it is.

Bill Gates' phone, which he uses every day

It isn't an iPhone, and it isn't even one of his own creations.

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3, the Korean brand's foldable cellphone and a benchmark for multitasking, is the smartphone Bill Gates uses every day.

Despite the fact that Microsoft has the Surface Duo 2, the millionaire chooses a handset that costs well over 1,000 euros.

His response was provided in one of the famous Reddit debates where Bill Gates frequently appears.

One of the users inquired about his phone, and this is his response: "My smartphone is an Android Galaxy Z Fold3. I experiment with several options. I can get by with only a huge laptop computer and a phone on this screen ".

Even though the device is regarded one of the most powerful on the market, the revelation comes as a shock to many.

Not just because it is foldable and offers a wide range of multitasking options, but also because it comes with an S-Pen that makes using the phone faster and more accurate.

Experts also praise the device's Dynamic AMOLED display, which improves visual rendering and reduces eye strain.

Because Microsoft and Samsung have a good connection, Bill Gates' usage of a Samsung phone is not unusual.

In the field of telecommunications, the two became partners, and Microsoft pre-installed various apps on Samsung handsets.